About the Company

Creditor Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC is the licensor of Bankruptcy Control™, a web-based application designed to manage the collection of accounts in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Control™ provides the user with a sophisticated tool for increasing revenue and avoiding costly errors.

We provide the user with a comprehensive solution needed for the management of the bankruptcy process and staff independently from the collection system. Bankruptcy Control™ improves performance through reporting, analytics and dashboards using Power BI which identify hidden losses and opportunities for increased revenue.

Our Mission is to provide our creditor customers with effective and inexpensive solutions for managing accounts in bankruptcy.


Want to know more?

40 Years

Legal representation of creditors nationwide

35 Years

Bankruptcy representation nationwide 

20 Years

Development and use of Bankruptcy Control™


Bankruptcy Control™ 

Bankruptcy Control™  is a web application that is secure, scalable and encrypted. With a User Name and Password, Customers may access the application from anywhere at any time.

Consulting and Training

We will review and analyze your current bankruptcy process, including staff, policies and procedures and tools used in servicing the bankrupt accounts.

Reporting and Analytics

Improve performance through Power BI, a Microsoft reporting and analytics application.



Bankruptcy Control™ is ideal for banks with multiple financial products, including mortgages, auto loans, leases, credit cards, student loans, and personal loans. Work may be shared across product lines and reporting produced on an enterprise level.

Auto Finance

Bankruptcy Control™ has many features unique to vehicle financing and leasing, including interfacing to the NADA database for accurate valuation and algorithms which automatically calculate possible lien avoidance, 910-day valuation and reaffirmation deadlines.

Credit Unions

In addition to the features offered to Banks, Bankruptcy Control™ can give Credit Union members access to their accounts while in bankruptcy or being serviced post-discharge.

Governmental Units

Any governmental entity which is a creditor can effectively use Bankruptcy Control™ to manage amounts owed for taxes, child support, student loans, farm loans, etc.

Backup Servicing

Some creditors outsource their bankrupt accounts to third party servicers. Bankruptcy Control™ is an effective tool for backup servicing and assures continuity if there is a failure by that servicer.

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